Remote Monitoring of Traffic Enforcement Systems

Easy Remote Maintenance of Traffic Systems with High Investment Security

Enjoy Greater Convenience in Traffic Monitoring

Regulatory authorities can also increase their efficiency thanks to digitalization. In Germany, the number of speed enforcement systems is growing all the time. However, it is very costly to monitor its performance and functionality in remote locations. POLISCAN Connect with the POLISCAN system monitoring module offers an efficient and convenient solution for centralized online control. As a web-based solution, it ensures investment security and continuous enhancement potential, while also reducing complexity and enabling access to real-time information.

Benefit from Digitalization with Remote Maintenance of Traffic Systems
System Monitoring

Efficient and Convenient

Digitalization saves resources and simplifies work processes. With remote control of traffic technology, you benefit from much faster information retrieval from remote enforcement units. This means it’s no longer necessary to travel to these units, so personnel costs are reduced. Monitoring and control are performed online from a central location.

Future-Proof Network Maintenance of Traffic Technology with VITRONIC

A Secure Investment in the Digital Future

With the VITRONIC software for centralized system monitoring, you’re well prepared today and for the future. The web-based software guarantees the future viability of the technology and protects your investment. Thanks to the web-based architecture, further enhancement and interconnectivity are a given. Data protection and data security requirements are also covered.

Solutions for Network Maintenance of Traffic Technology for Real-Time Data
See into the Future

Traffic Management with Real-Time Data

Digitalization and IT networking form the backbone of many smart city concepts. Their development would not be feasible or useful without networked data acquisition. With the use of centralized system monitoring further real-time data can be generated in the future. This data can then be used to directly implement any necessary traffic management measures. These include, for example, traffic control to reduce congestion and protect the environment.

The Benefits

Online System Monitoring

POLISCAN software is easily integrated

System monitoring comprises both offline, manual monitoring of the remote measuring systems at their location, and centralized online monitoring of the remote measuring systems from a central location.

This involves monitoring of the external systems, display, and notification of system statuses, storage of monitoring results, online control of the parameters of external measuring systems from the central location, as well as centralized online monitoring of the data transfer process for incident data.


Towards Digitalization with Network Maintenance of Traffic Technology from VITRONIC
Boris Wagner

Boris Wagner

Director Sales Traffic Technology Division
+49 151 68962157

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Efficient and Easy—Central Remote Management with VITRONIC


  • Efficient, convenient, reduces complexity
  • Investment security, continuous enhancement potential
  • Access to real-time data

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