World Police Summit Event Logo

مؤتمر World Police Summit 2024

In a world where technological advancement and evolving threats keep arising, the World Police Summit 2024 stands as a pivotal platform where global law enforcement comes to meet.

Brought to you by the esteemed Dubai Police, this unparalleled event gathers prestigious forces including the FBI, NYPD, INTERPOL, Australian Federal Police, Korean National Police Agency and the Metropolitan Police from over 138 countries. Whether you're into policing tech, cybersecurity, commercial security, or road safety, the summit unfolds an array of unmatched opportunities for everyone.

And when we say, "Uniting Global Forces for a Safer Tomorrow," it isn't just a motto—it's our mission. This is where the world's law enforcement builds stronger ties, aiming for a safer, brighter future.

More Information on the website of the exhibitor.

اشترك في النشرة الإخبارية
الرؤية الآلية
سواء في مجال الأتمتة أو هندسة المرور: مع أنظمتنا يرى عملاؤنا المزيد. إن الجمع بين الأجهزة والبيانات والتقييم الذكي يجعل التطبيقات والتحليلات ممكنة والتي لم يكن من الممكن تصورها حتى وقت قريب. وبذلك يصبح العالم المخفي سابقًا مرئيًا وقابل للاستخدام.