

  • 26% increase in detected infringements due to automatic speed enforcement
  • 25.6 Million € increase in revenue for French Interior Ministry‘s Traffic Enforcement Department
  • Roll out of 250 custom-made, autonomous and robust Enforcement Trailers within one year
  • a strong partnership: VITRONIC and CEGELEC EDR as a power team

The Situation:

No Traffic Enforcement Solution for non-standard Spots

In 2016, the French government was faced with a problem: a sharp increase (34%) in traffic accidents at roadside construction sites had been reported over the last five years.

As part of their strategy to improve safety for drivers, passengers, and construction site workers, French traffic authorities decided to double down on speed limit enforcement near road work sites, as well as at known traffic danger zones, such as road bends.

While permanently installed automatic radars were working well for enforcement on main thoroughfares, most accident blackspots are off the grid. Without access to the space, network connection infrastructure, and power source required to support stationary enforcement equipment, the government was in need of a flexible solution for monitoring construction sites and hot spots: a speed enforcement solution that was mobile, autonomous, and especially robust.

The government was in need of a flexible solution for monitoring construction sites and hot spots

  • 34% Increase in traffic accidents at roadside construction sites had been reported over the last five years.

The Client:

DCA Département du Contrôle Automatisé

The French Interior Ministry‘s Traffic Enforcement Department sought a flexible solution that was mobile, able to be easily transported to temporary locations, whether construction sites or collision hot spots.

And because hot spots and construction sites are often on secondary roads and in hazardous locations, traffic enforcement authorities required an autonomous solution – one that would not be limited by any gaps in local infrastructure (such as power supply) and would keep operators safe at a distance. Lastly, this mobile and autonomous automatic radar should be especially robust and reliable: able to operate 24h for at least 7 days, bulletproof and able to withstand any vandalism attempts.

This effort [increase of autonomous radar] is justified by the high increase of number of accidents (+34%) in work areas, between 2012 and 2016

The Solution:

The First of its kind in France

The Enforcement Trailer - the ultimate solution for effective traffic enforcement in areas that are too hazardous for operators, or lacking appropriate infrastructure. It leverages LIDAR technology to trace violations despite multiple vehicles in view, and poor-visibility in locations such as bends in the road. It answers to all challenges addressed by the French Government:

  • autonomous, unmanned enforcement vehicle with remote controlled steering
  • on-the-spot location manoeuvring, without physical risks to operators
  • easily transported by virtually any vehicle with a towbar
  • powered by an independent power supply that enables uninterrupted, autonomous operation for up to ten days
  • high-performance batteries can be replaced on-site
  • sealed, bulletproof outer shell can be lowered to conceal its wheels and the shape is difficult to climb on
  • an alarm system protects it against vandalism
  • integratable into the VITRONIC POLISCAN system, wirelessly transmitting case data for remote access


VITRONIC partners with CEGELEC

VITRONIC teamed up with CEGELEC EDR (Vinci Group) in a joint venture to create a turnkey solution, customized to the French government’s specifications. CEGELEC is a leader in automation, instrumentation and control, climate and electrical engineering providing technological solutions for companies and public authorities. CEGELEC designed the streamlined, futuristic housing for the Enforcement Trailer. VITRONIC developed the technical setup inside.

Jean Marie Wagner Business Unit General Manager CEGELEC EDR praises the good cooperation and strong partnership in the Enforcement Trailer project with VITRONIC.
The Ministry‘s specifications imposed strong constraints while leaving the field open to many possible solutions. We therefore chose the most suitable technology and the right partner, namely VITRONIC.
Jean-Marie Wagner Business Unit General Manager CEGELEC EDR

The Impact:

The French put the Trailer to the test

In 2015 there were only 5 autonomous speed enforcement systems available in France. By the end of 2016 the fleet had grown to include 250 units. As a result, 2016 saw records in the amount of flat-rate speeding and red-light tickets issued: these types of infringements now exceed all other police fines.

Within just one year from 2015 – 2016, detected infringements from automatic speed enforcement rose more than 26%, translating into an increase of 25.6 million Euro in revenue. And according to a government report, this boost was directly due to the deployment of the Enforcement Trailer.

By the end of 2021, the French ministry has ordered a total of more than 600 Enforcement Trailers to make France‘s roads more safe.

Average detected infringements per equipment per day

Your Benefits with POLISCAN Speed Enforcement

  • Flexible speed enforcement system that can be used for accident hotspots
  • Autonomous, unmanned enforcement operation (up to ten days)
  • High protection against vandalism
  • Easily transported by virtually any vehicle with a towbar

어떻게 도와드릴까요?

Boris Wagner

Boris Wagner

Director Sales Traffic Technology Division
+49 151 68962157


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