What impact does our company have on the environment? And how can we measure and improve this? These are the topics of environmental management. But we believe that sustainability means more than that.
We want to clearly communicate to our customers and relevant stakeholders that they can rely on us as a competent partner in matters of sustainability, resource-conserving development, production and recycling of our products.
We consider the negative impact of our operations and solutions on the environment to be relatively low. We have been a member of the VDMA's Blue Competence sustainability initiative since it was founded and have established an environmental management system that complies with the contents of this initiative and the DIN EN ISO 14001 environmental standard. The strict requirements are taken into account in the development of new products and in product maintenance. Many of our products have measurable positive effects on the environment, e.g. the avoidance of rejects/waste in industrial production or the reduction of CO2 in road traffic.
Our environmental policy obliges all employees to comply with their legal obligations to protect the environment in order to avoid or minimize negative environmental impacts.
In particular, achieving sustainability is set as a strategic goal.
As part of our preparations for DIN 14001 certification, we have carried out an assessment of environmental aspects. To mitigate our own impacts and risks, we have defined operational targets and launched initiatives that we are pursuing with our target tableau.
With the introduction and certification of our environmental management system, we want to ensure that PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT also applies to our environmental issues in order to pursue them sustainably.
The environmental goals are derived from our environmental policy, the environmental aspects, the legal obligations, the requirements of customers and relevant stakeholders, the environmental analysis and our strategic objectives. They are specified in our table of objectives:
Blue Competence is an initiative of the VDMA (association of German machinery and equipment manufacturing industry) to promote sustainability in mechanical and plant engineering. With our partnership, we are committed to complying with the twelve sustainability principles of mechanical and plant engineering (more on this at VDMA):