VITRONIC recently celebrated the opening of its first office in Austria. The company welcomed some 65 guests to its new premises in the technology center in Vienna’s aspern Seestadt area and even combined this occasion with the organization of its first Austria Forum. Numerous innovative solutions for safe and sustainable mobility on the roads were accordingly presented and practical user experiences were imparted. For example, Stefan Pfeiffer, police commissioner/head of the Feucht traffic police department (Bavaria), gave an emotional speech on ‘the problems currently facing the police when prosecuting traffic violations’.

Stefan Pfeiffer, Police Director/Head of the Feucht Traffic Police Station, Bavaria, is speaking on "Current Police Problems in the Prosecution of Traffic Violations."

The success story continues

After 16 successful years in the Austrian market, VITRONIC decided to get even closer to its customers and partners there. As a result, a dedicated and highly professional team of eight employees will now deal with all service, sales, and project inquiries at the new location in Vienna. The first POLISCAN Speed system was calibrated for use in Austria as early as 2007. Since then, it has been joined by many installations and customers such as ASFINAG and numerous municipalities from Vorarlberg to Burgenland and from Upper Austria to Carinthia as well as partners such as Swarco and G4S. As a result, there are around 150 active mobile, fixed, and semi-fixed POLISCAN Speed devices helping to improve road safety.

VITRONIC has been improving safety on Austria’s roads for many years. We are now taking a step closer to our customers and partners by setting up office in Vienna. Our team offers a combined 91 years of experience in road safety so that Vision Zero can become ever closer to being a reality here too"
Ralf Larcher CEO VITRONIC Machine Vision Austria

Daniel Scholz-Stein, CEO VITRONIC Group, symbolically hands over the golden FM1 to the new CEO VITRONIC Austria, Ralf Larcher, at the site opening.

I’m delighted that the VITRONIC family has grown once more with the addition of the Austrian office as we can now also work with our colleagues there to drive our vision of designing a safe and sustainable world. Currently, our new subsidiary in Vienna is focusing on traffic projects, but the strong Austrian industry is also increasingly asking for our solutions in the field of automation"
Daniel Scholz-Stein CEO VITRONIC Dr.-Ing. Stein Bildverarbeitungssysteme GmbH

Happy VITRONIC team after a successful opening ceremony.


VITRONIC is the world's leading innovation driver for machine vision, enabling its customers to master the challenges of tomorrow.

The global group of companies develops forward-looking solutions in the form of specialized products and software for image-based quality inspection, identification and process optimization, which find application in the growth sectors of automation and traffic engineering.

VITRONIC solutions make an important contribution to helping shape a safe and sustainable world. The existing limits of what is economically feasible are constantly being questioned in order to achieve the highest quality and productivity, for example in the production of automotive and pharmaceutical companies. Worldwide, Auto-ID solutions in logistics centers and at cargo airports, take over the reliable and efficient recording of shipments and thus ensure a transparent flow of goods.

In the transport sector, VITRONIC offers leading technology for increased safety on the roads, for optimizing traffic flow and for recording road usage.

Open and honest dealings with our customers form the foundation for jointly exploiting technological and process potential to the full. Joint success forms the basis of long-term cooperation with companies such as B. Braun, BMW, Daimler, DHL, UPS, Fresenius and Sanofi as well as with public clients.

Since its foundation in 1984, VITRONIC has been growing continuously for 40 years. The current annual turnover (2023) is above 240 million EUR and the company is currently represented on five continents in over 80 countries with approximately 1,400 employees. Since 2024 the company is part of ITIS Holding, leveraging the strengths of both entities, creating a strong end-to-end ITS and automation provider.

Development and production of VITRONIC systems are located at the company headquarters in Wiesbaden. VITRONIC subsidiaries span across all continents, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. Additionally, a global network of sales and service partners ensures localized support for international customers.

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the machine vision people
Megatrends such as globalization, mobility, urbanization, connectivity and health awareness require courage and a pioneering spirit. As innovation drivers, we enable our partners to master the challenges of tomorrow: We go further where others stop and bring new ideas into the here and now.