Vehicle Access Regulation

Implement Vehicle Restrictions Flexibly and Efficiently

Flexibly enforcement of low emission zones or other vehicle restrictions for a sustainable city

As public space becomes increasingly valuable, it's imperative to ensure equitable sharing and implement charges to prevent gridlock and preserve air quality. Urban vehicle access regulations can significantly reduce traffic volumes and contribute to a healthier environment.

With POLISCAN, you can efficiently and flexibly enforce these vehicle restrictions. The solution seamlessly integrates with other applications, such as speed enforcement, while fully complying with data protection regulations.

Flexible enforcement of low emission zones and other vehicle restrictions is essential for fostering sustainability in urban areas.

Automated Vehicle Access Restriction with VITRONIC

Efficient vehicle restriction zones

Deploying personnel to enforce low emission or congestion zones can be expensive. However, automated monitoring with POLISCAN proves to be not only more efficient but also more cost-effective than manual solutions. Integrated seamlessly into your processes and tailored to your specific requirements, it offers unparalleled flexibility. Moreover, a variety of housing platforms are available to accommodate diverse needs.

Many Applications to Enforce Vehicle Access Regulations

A Wide Range of Applications

With the POLISCAN automatic license plate reading (ALPR) technology, detection of different restrictions are possible.

Application-Specific Urban Vehicle Access Regulation:

• Low Emission Zones (LEZ)

• Diesel bans

• Enforcement of special rights

• Regulations for supply and CEP traffic

• Monitoring of public transport lanes

• Car-free zones

• Congestion zones

Combinations for Added Value

With POLISCAN, you can seamlessly integrate enforcement of vehicle access regulations with monitoring for other violations.

For instance, you can enforce low congestion zones or car-free zones tailored to specific vehicle classes, lanes, or timeframes alongside speed and red-light enforcement. Solutions are also provided for special vehicle restrictions, such as lanes designated as one-way streets. In urban settings, it's beneficial to combine these solutions with congestion charge systems and monitoring of environmental zone.

From urban vehicle access regulation to smart traffic management

With POLISCAN, you're prepared for whatever the future holds. In addition to effectively enforcing vehicle restrictions, the solution serves as the foundation for concepts such as congestion charging and monitoring emission zones. It offers real-time traffic flow data, contributing to smart mobility concepts and traffic management systems. With POLISCAN, city centers experience reduced congestion, leading to cleaner air!

On the Safe Side of the Law

Legal compliance and data protection are paramount when enforcing vehicle access regulations. VITRONIC systems generate tamper-proof digital incident data that holds legal validity. Furthermore, all measurements are recorded by metrologically approved systems, providing you with additional assurance. Data protection and security are ensured through state-of-the-art encryption tools and selective transmission methods.

In Brief

Efficient Automated Enforcement of Vehicle Access Restrictions with VITRONIC
Boris Wagner

Boris Wagner

Director Sales Traffic Technology Division
+49 151 68962157

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POLISCAN offers efficient and flexible access control

In Brief

  • Efficient usage
  • Flexible deployment scenarios
  • Many combinations are possible
  • Strong data protection

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